Tablature Primus - Laquer Head

Primus - Laquer Head

Title: Laquer Head
Artist: Primus
Album: Antipop
Tabled by:
Notices: The Drums Are problaby wrong

Tempo: 120 BPM
Tracks: 3
Bars: 79
Tabs: Primus - Laquer Head.gp3
Bringin down the enemy
To this final slaugter
Ain´t got no mercy not at all
Livin´on our fantasy
They have killed our daughters
And now some heads are gonna fall

We´re gonna kick´em
Up and down the battlefield
They`re gonna feel
What we went through

We go down - into the fire
We go down - into the fire
Sticking to their agony
But knowing they won`t make it

We bring this battle to an end
Fighting for our libery
Getting independent
Let´s spread this message to the land

We never let this happen once again
And now they´ve got
What they deserve

We go down - into the
Fire we go down - into the pke

Take´em down
To their final battlefield
Bring´em down
Take´em to the slaghter
Come on come on come on

We go down - into the fire
We go down - into the fire