Tablature Manowar - Fighting The World

Manowar - Fighting The World

Title: Fighting The World
Artist: Manowar
Album: Fighting The World
Tabled by: racer oe
Notices: solo is tabbed by a friend. We play together in a band:
Armed Raid

Tempo: 124 BPM
Tracks: 3
Bars: 126
Tabs: Manowar - Fighting The World.gp3
What's with these countries and their fucked up ways killing people every single day for borders, for land cause religion says it's their holy land religion was made for peace and not for war what are we fighting for? There should not be this pain and grief brought upon by your fanatic beliefs we are dying in a religious war if you don't stop this fight we will be no more you're just a hypocrite and i don't need your shit there should not be this pain and grief brought upon by your fanatic beliefs if you don't stop to broaden your mind and stop killing people that are not of your kind then go fuck yourself!