Tablature Guitar Class Lies - Palhetada Alternada

Guitar Class Lies - Palhetada Alternada

Title: Revista Guitar Class - Lições
Subtitle: Guitarras Impossíveis - Palhetada Alternada
Artist: Demian Tiguez
Album: Revista Guitar Class, julho de 2.002, edição 18
Author: Demian Tiguez
Copyright: Revista Guitar Class, julho de 2.002, edição 18
Tabled by: Transcrito para o Guitar Pro 3 em 12/12/2.002.
Notices: Fala aí, galera! O lick é iniciado com o pattern na
escala de E menor natural, depois subimos um tom e
meio (Gm) fazendo exatamente o mesmo desenho. O
interessante desse pattern é que, apesar da divisão
ritmica do lick ser inteira em semicolcheia, a melodia é
construída sobre seis notas, o que faz o acento
deslocar ora no tempo, ora no contratempo.
Este lick deve ser feito inteiro, com palhetada
alternada e com a ajuda do metrônomo (velocidade
mínima para um bom resultado = 120 bpm). O lick foi
executado a 168 bpm (ouça no site).
Um abraço e até a próxima!


Tempo: 120 BPM
Tracks: 1
Bars: 6
Tabs: Guitar Class Lies - Guitarras Impossveis - Palhetada Alternada.gp3

Hear me talkin' to you, hear me sing my song
can you tell if it's really me, if I'm right or if I'm wrong.

If I was telling the truth, could you see it in my eyes
whatever I tell you now, this guitar never lies.

It's just a wooden box with holes in, and wires fastened on
made by a man in Nazareth, Tijuana or Taiwan.

And as for the man who plays it, he might be real or otherwise
the only thing you need to know it is, this guitar never lies

Never says forever never lies
however long you pick it, the same old thing applies

There was a man before me, and he was the living proof
of just how far a boy can go with three chords and the truth

Sure he had his share of lowdown ways you might despise
but everywhere you played they all said, this guitar never lies


Never says forever never lies
however long you take it, the same old thing applies

The boys are back in town with the stories and the spin
the PR man has made his pitch, so let the show begin

It's the song you've heard before, it's a tale you'll recognize
but anyway you choose to tell it, this guitar never lies.

never lies, never lies.