Tablature Blue Goblins - Feel Up Her Body

Blue Goblins - Feel Up Her Body

Title: Feel Up Her Body
Artist: Blue Goblins
Album: -
Author: Blue Goblins
Copyright: Blue Goblins
Tabled by: Blue Goblins guitarist Mr. Cyclop aka Gave Drohl
Instructions: rate Blue Goblins tabs
Tempo: 120 BPM
Tracks: 5
Bars: 38
Tabs: Blue Goblins - Feel Up Her Body.gp3
Getting cold and getting rigid
Blind eyes as the gate to emptiness
Chest furrowed with exquisite cuts up
Welcome to my forensic battleground
As anatomical atlas you are wide open
The goal is body encyclopaedical arrangement
Placed into comly plastic package
It is so easy and so fun
All of you will be used
It's my body bag blues
You've no right to choose
That's my body bag blues
...My forensic blues
Exploring your cavity
Alphabetical ordeer in this abdominal chaos
With inexoarable tools of my trade
I am going to introduce
With interest I work on
Maintence of your shabby remains
Your innards shapely I will wrap
In vitro collection "Tissues, organs and veins"
I finish with no hurry
Your damaged deaad body carefully I repair
And then out of my slab you will be
Into body bag scrapped