Tablature Competition 2 - Flashbacks
Competition 2 - Flashbacks
Title: Flashback
Artist: Teo T.
Author: Teo T.
Tabled by:
Instructions: Part 2 is only for fun -> dont take it serious but if you want judge it
Notices: This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 2
Official Rules and Announcements".
Tempo: 140 BPM
Tracks: 8
Bars: 231
Tabs: Competition 2 - Flashbacks.gp3
Artist: Teo T.
Author: Teo T.
Tabled by:
Instructions: Part 2 is only for fun -> dont take it serious but if you want judge it
Notices: This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 2
Official Rules and Announcements".
Tempo: 140 BPM
Tracks: 8
Bars: 231
They say they want to teach youThey say they're trying to reach you
They really want to teach you
They're only trying to reach you
They say don't go against the grain
Don't add fuel to the flame
Stay in between the white lines
Learn to read the right signs
Stay in between the white lines
And learn to read the right signs
They say just learn to compromise
We'll have a meeting of the minds
They say don't try to win the race
You have to learn to run in place
Someday you'll have it all
Just beat your head against the wall
You learn to play the game
You help to dig your grave
You learn to play the game
You help to dig your grave
But you say someday I'll see you fall
Someday I'll make you crawl
Someday I'll have it all
I'll beat your head against the wall