Tablature Competition 2 - Sinister Dreams (2)

Competition 2 - Sinister Dreams (2)

Title: Sinister Dreams
Artist: Dave_The_Wicked / ADrenaLiNe_87
Album: Competition 2 (Team)
Author: Dave_The_Wicked / ADrenaLiNe_87
Tabled by: Bass: Dave_The_Wicked - Guitar: ADrenaLiNe_87 - Drums : ADrenaLiNe_87

-Band name is "Competition 2"
-Category is Hard/Heavy
-Competition begins as soon as band name is validated
-Deadline is Saturday, October 12
-Vocal lines are optional
-Metal and hard rock songs only
-Lyrics should NOT be posted
-Only completely original compostitions are to be
-A composer may submit only one song. If a composer
submits more than one song than only the first song
shall be considered valid.
-Do not submit corrections. You get one shot per song.
-Multiple composers can work on a single tab. A
composer may work on up to two different
collaborations in addition to a solo tab.
-A song that was submitted in the first competition may
not be submitted in the second competition unless it
has been significantly altered. If you wish to resubmit a
song email me the tab for approval first.
-A composer must copy/paste the following message
into his information window:

This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 2
Official Rules and Announcements".

Any violations of these rules may result in

Tempo: 90 BPM
Tracks: 5
Bars: 59
Tabs: Competition 2 - Sinister Dreams (2).gp3
Chosen from the gods I fought many wars.
No hope to get home sailing under the stars.
Nothing but the memory to remember my life.
My heart bleeds without the love of my wife.
Fighting enemies, slaying faces of pain.
Being a figure in this evil game.
Not allowed to feel happy and be nice.
Protecting my gods honor for a cruel price.
I'm wandering over the sea
With nothing left of me.
Being alone, my life has gone astray.
I'm missing my home far away.
My whole crew has been killed
By the wrath of gods and their will
To destroy the one who mars their skin.
I was a heretic and pay for my sins!
But this punishment drives me crazy.
To reach my family I must not be lazy.
The waters keep raging around my ship
But I won't forget the aim of my trip!
I will return
To my love
And my kingdom
In Ithaca!

All the years on my odyssey
You always were in my dreams
And I miss you...oh...I miss you.

Torn between colliding gods
I always stood against the odds
But I miss you...oh...I miss you.

My heart is hurting bad
The lack of love makes me mad
'cause I miss you...oh...I miss you.

I suffer without the taste of your lips
I freeze without the warmth of your kiss
And I miss you...oh...I'm missing you!
I can't live
Without your touch
Without your smile
Without your LOVE!

As I continue my way over the stormy sea
To finally find the missing part of me
My mind was broken so many times
When will they stop punishing me for my crimes?
Twenty years have gone since I saw her face.
I wasted much of those at the wrong place.
War's over long ago, but there's no peace.
I had to face my destiny, killing the beasts!

An old man near death missing his home
Am I still alive or...just a ghost?
I'm wandering over the sea
With nothing left of me.
Being alone, my life has gone astray.
I'm missing my home far away.

Behind the deep blue sea
The horizon with the stars
My tired eyes could see
The green hills of Ithaca!?