Tablature Competition 5 - Blank Stare Into Darkness
Competition 5 - Blank Stare Into Darkness
Title: Blank Stare into Darkness
Artist: rapethewounded
Author: rapethewounded
Copyright: (c) 2003
Tabled by:
Instructions: HEADBANG
Notices: This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 5
Official Rules and Announcements"
Tempo: 185 BPM
Tracks: 5
Bars: 74
Tabs: Competition 5 - Blank Stare Into Darkness.gp4
Artist: rapethewounded
Author: rapethewounded
Copyright: (c) 2003
Tabled by:
Instructions: HEADBANG
Notices: This tab is part of a MSB competition. If you wish to
participate in any way first read the rules posted in the
forum under mysongbook in the topic "Competition 5
Official Rules and Announcements"
Tempo: 185 BPM
Tracks: 5
Bars: 74